Lost in my own grief I haven’t been seeing the grief of the others around me. We had a second loss just before Christmas and selfishly I didn’t fully see what my mum was going through. I new she was struggling and had taken time off work because of it but I honeslty didn’t know the full extent of it. I don’t think I ever will. But to find something out today that honestly shocked me and made me see how much she wasn’t talking about her grief for the loss at Christmas was really sad. Everything is so closed off. Nothing is fully spoken about. It’s the denial of “I’m doing ok “ when asked how we are doing. Things like this should be spoken about, shouted from the roof tops. The fact that my own mother couldn’t even speak out is sad. I feel so bad for being so wrapped up in his anniversary and moving house, important things like asking how people are, and actually listening shouldn’t be ignored. I got and gave the same answer “ it’s ok” Everyone goes through grief t...