It’s a topic that has been a real issue for me. I’ve had friends and lost friends. I’ve been more open to some and it’s cost me me there friendship. I’ve been quiet about things and it’s played with my head.
It’s something that I’ve always struggled with is actually having friends. People that I can turn to when I need them. But see since I’ve lost someone closer to me the way people are towards me has changed. Those that knew me when my hubby was alive and those that I’ve met since.
Apparently asking someone for help can be relying on them to much. Being myself and talking to some is to much of an issue.
My grief is now at a point where it is in stages and I’m not as down as previous but even that can be a problem for some.
I’ve come to realise that I have got to look after me and not try and make friends of any kind because it will be used against me if my grief is to much at some points and people just don’t know how to deal with me.
Im at a point where the sad realisation is that I am the sort of person that no one want to truly be friends with. Don’t get me wrong I have people that are around me each week that I can have conversations etc with but none of them truly take the time to ask how I’m doing and how my weeks been.
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