Why do I write these blogs? I write them to make sense of the world i now live in. A life that I didn’t choose but have found myself in.
I go through so many emotions getting my thoughts onto here. Saying things that I probably wouldnt say out loud. I fight to stay in control and to try and understand me. The me that now more than ever feels lonely. The me that is so lost when asked what job she wants to do. The me that is scaring people off because I am starting to actually speak out about my mental health and the grief that I have.
I’ve been told I over think things. And yes they are probably right but when you try so hard just to get through the day sometimes over thinking just takes over.
So in my world of feeling lonely and fighting with my mental health and trying to work out who I actually am I write. Something which I have never done before. To me each blog feels like a diary entry to a stage in my life where I’ve fought to get through.
I’ve found that when my creative / drawing side it is struggling to come out even just a small random post on here helps what’s screaming in my head.
I know I don’t have followers and that I just do this for me. But if anyone reading these findings they get anything from them then I’m glad. Maybe being honest has its uses.
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