I went to my sisters place for a few days just so she had some company while her partner was away. She didn’t know at that point that I had had a really bad week mentally last week and that it had left me questioning a lot of things about myself not all of it good.
So to get a change of scene and away from what was triggering me was the best thing. Isn’t it amazing how being away from all the things that are “everyday” things to you helps you see actually what you need in life and what you don’t.
I had become so engrossed in a battle with my thoughts / anxieties and rituals that were forming that I was amazed how little of it had while away. And how easy some came back when I came back home today.
The calming influence of a new house and the cat they were looking after seems to be what was needed. I haven’t any of the rituals to the excess that I was. And the calmness that is my brain at the minute is surprising as it shows me how bad I have been.
Being away also made me realise how much self care I do need, and that pampering myself has to be part of my routine of life. And that having anxiety issues doesn’t do your skin any good. (Why isn’t there beauty hampers that are specific for mental health that make you actually stop and take time. Or when the anxieties get so bad that you know you have something to reach for that will make you feel great)
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