I’ve never had a problem getting up in the morning. I am always able to do what I need to in the mornings rather in the afternoon. I have always gone to sleep early and risen early until my husband died and now with him not being around and my change in medication a fair few times I have really struggled to get to sleep at a reasonable time and get a full nights sleep.
An audio book plays so there is noise in the background. The same two at the minute, back to back. There is only so many times you can listen to the same stories and now know it word by word. I don’t like the pitch black with no noise. The brain can do so many tricks and not in a good way.
It is 23:34 and I am no where near tired. Luckily I have nothing planned for tomorrow.
Don’t get me wrong there is times when I can get to sleep but like a lot of things it comes and goes in stages. Stages when my brain just won’t shut down and gets to a point where I have to try and ground myself to bring myself back to the present and not with my thoughts.
UPDATE So it’s still a bit of an issue. Writing this it is 23.03 and my brain is wide awake. Thinking, thinking, thinking. If I were to actually write everything down that is going around my head I’m sure it would be it’s own novel. A thick one at that.
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