Well as the New Year fast approaches I’ve been thinking about what it means for me. What the last year has brought me, what I’ve gone through. And what this next year brings. 2018 has shown me that mental health can cost you your savings when you aren’t able to work. It has pushed me to my limits and made me question myself so many times. Yet after all that I’m still standing. A little dented but here. This last year has brought the start of my art being something. I don’t know where it will take me next year but let’s see. Hopefully the self doubt will not hold me back. It has been my thing through out the year, the thing that would take me away from the negative thoughts. 2019 will hopefully mean work of some sort. I’ve not been mentally fit till now - I’m not fully there yet but I need to get an income in. I hope that I can get more of a better understanding of what I can and can’t do and to realise when I need to take time for me and look after myself. My mental health will ...