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Bravo Sanctuary

I know I'm gonna be MEGA late to this party but I want to say bravo for two of there products that I have recently found that I will be buying again. Maybe in the big size but definitely the smaller size.

THERMAL DETOX MASK - CHARCOAL (can't post picture as have already used it)
15ml - £2.99

I have been trying different face masks over the last few weeks with a mixture of results. Having just tried this one I have to say I am a fan.
The packaging is easy to open. It explains clearly the instructions on the back of the packet and what is actually in it.
On first opening it and applying it to my face the heat that came out of it was a surprise, but impressive. It applied well to my face and the heat lasted through out.
I think the 5 minute time given for it is the right amount.
It rinsed off well - I used a sponge with warm water.

Over all I think this is a good product. Good for a treat for yourself or to be given as part of a present.

SALT SCRUB 60g - £2.00

Again like the previous the packaging is easy to use and is explained well on the back.

I don't know about you but I have found scrubs can fall of easily from the area that you are applying and that most of it ends up in the bottom of the shower. This didn't do as bad as that which surprised me. It covered my skin well and left it feeling really nice after it.
The smells of jojoba, coconut and almond oils are a good match and help with the smoothing of your skin.
I was impressed by how smooth my legs and arms felt after using it. Again like the previous I think it is a good product and would be a good treat for yourself or as a present.


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