Seasonal Affective Disorder The ‘winter’ depression that effects approximately 1 in 15 people, and can add me as one of the people. Don’t get me wrong I love this time of year. But the darker nights and the darker for longer mornings are horrible. For so many years I didn’t know why I felt the way I did. It wasn’t till a few years ago did I fully understand why for the tail end of each year I felt so low and had no energy. My sweet tooth would get worse as I lost myself in the negative thoughts in my head. Some nights would be harder than others and I would get reliant on sweet foods to ‘help’ The motivation to do anything is hard. Waking up to a dark room and trying to convince your brain that it is indeed morning and that you have to get up and get work done is hard. And even concentrating is an issue with things taking longer tha...