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Showing posts from July, 2018

I made banana bread

Now anyone that knows me knows that I CANT stand the smell or touch of raw bananas. So for me to even contemplate making this was a BIG deal. I followed this recipe: It didn’t turn out like the picture was that was shown, and for me was dry. But for me to do it. It was an ok first attempt considering I don’t like the smell or touch of them. After trying this recipe I think I’ll stick to my mums recipe next time.

Why I’ve not posted in a while

So it’s been a while since I post on here. Did anyone even notice that I was gone?  I’ve been struggling with internal thoughts and how they make me think and how I’m perceived. ( even writing this is hard because thinking about it and writing about it is making me anxious ) Right here goes. For a long time i have struggled with the thoughts that I don’t have any friends and that the way I am perceived counts against me. Ever since school when I truly lost contact with my best friend I’ve felt that I have been unable to keep anyone interested in me. I’ve talked about it before. I was the loner kid at school, able to come in and out of groups of people and not even be noticed. And those negative thougths have continued till present day. Some times a lot more negative than others. So these last few weeks has been one of the harder times and it has been tiring to even try and fight it if I’m honest. If anyone has noticed there has been a problem with me then it’s only coz I’v...