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Showing posts from July, 2017

how Harry Potter has helped me through last two years

Ravenclaws rule It's amazing to think that a series of books can mean so much and help me through one of the hardest periods in my life. I have all the books and listen to the audio every day. I've lost track of the amount of times that I've listened to each book over and over. When my husband got ill and ended up in hospital I found the audio books to be a massive comfort to me when I was alone at home. To put on the books and listen to Stephen Fry transform this story into something that could take me away from everything that was happening with him. My favourite book being  HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN That book has helped me on bad days after my husband died. Days when I didn't want to do anything but lie and listen to a book. Or when I couldn't sleep at nights. It's strange to say that something means so much but the books really do mean a lot to me. I also have all the dvds but I have to say the audio book is what is listened to the m...

A sweet tooth vs mental health

A battle of wills. Good vs bad.  My obsession with the "wrong" foods has always been an issue. Sometimes to my downfall. Thankfully now I am a LOT better and am trying to watch what I eat. But when the demon that sits on my shoulder takes over and decides it wants chocolate I feel like I'm drawn to it. That is when the battle goes on inside my head. The guilt, the constant question of why did I do that? The internal battle of regret vs but you wanted, needed it.  It Sometimes lasting for a good hour after I have finished the chocolate that I have eaten. And when a bad day mood wise happens then the pull for chocolate can be worse than ever. And the cycle of good vs bad starts all over again. I don't class myself as badly over weight but I know that my years of over eating have a lot to answer for. Don't get me wrong now I have a will to eat better. (Having recently been diagnosed with IBS) A will to eat healthier snacks sometimes wins. But to be hones...

When bad days happen

yeh i get that we all have bad days. But with mental health the bad days seem to take there toll more. Sometimes lasting more than just one day. How can you explain to someone who doesn't have mental health issues. Who isn't prone to             prolonged periods of feeling so bad that even getting out of bed might be a chore. When the dark cloud arrives it will be the one that decides when it leaves. You can call it every name under the sun but it's still gonna be there. I know when I get days like that I take myself away from everyone and really don't have the energy to do anything pro active. Most of the times it's either sleeping or watching you tube. Some people think I should do more but how do you explain it in the correct way that you don't sound that your just making excuses that all you want to do is nothing. Previously before I was diagnosed I would sleep for periods of time during the day - mainly the afternoon. I still do it some times now...

Pukka teas and mental health

 I have never been one to drink tea or coffee before until I found PUKKA teas. There teas converted me to the multi coloured side that is there brand. Yes ok so I bet your think teas and mental health don't really go. But I have to disagree with you there. I suffer from anxiety which means panic attacks and anxiety build up. And depression which means highs and lows with my mood.  I have found personally that drinking one of there teas helps me to calm down. And for that few moments it takes to drink it takes me some place else in my mind. They are big statement I know but drinking that first mouthful takes me to some place other than my stupid anxiety or depression. Now I do admit that I am a relatively newbie to the tea drinking world and have only tried a couple but the ones I have tried I have liked. I do think that the packaging plays it's part as well. Now hear me out before you start mocking. I am the creative type and like the box design and the way that it is i...

2014 vs 2017

" Ever get the feeling that everything is happening around you and your standing frozen in time?? Things happening, lives being lived but yet you feel like yours isn't. Well not the way that you want it to. Struggling to regain yourself after being diagnosed with mental illness. Feeling like your being held back. Having to rely on other people when all you want to do is live your life. " (me 2014) There is still part of this that are true now three years later. But there is now grief mixed in with it all and it's just a lotta something. Lol I now don't feel as much as if time is standing still for me. Don't get me wrong there is times when I do feel like it. But on the whole (touch wood) everything is moving. " Does mentally ill mean that you are different ?? Is it so back in the dark ages that we can't even speak about it? IM 30+ and have a mental illness! And will probably always have in some form or other ". (me 2014) Than...

Self care- Body Shop review

Since being diagnosed I've always been told self care is crucial. Whether it be physically or mentally. And since my husband died I have been more into the physical side of self care. Finding new products that would help with appearance. Something that I would of not done previously. But now I find myself taking more time and effort with my beauty routine. I've never been one to try things as soon as they come out. Or jump on the band wagon with anything but two things from The Body Shop  caught my eye and I had to buy them. To say I was fixed on buying this when I first tried it was an understatement. I tried it on the back of my hand and to see the results was kinda strange at first. The product once rubbed into your skin goes grainy taking away the build up of the day and any residual dead skin cells. After one try of the product on my face I was really surprised at how well it left my skin. My skin felt a lot cleaner after using it and even the next day I was still n...